30 Aug 2023
the wait is finally over!
Yes, we want fresh-smelling armpits but no, we don’t want to have to buy yet more plastic and aerosols in order to get them. And who else thinks those refill systems are just so expensive? Why can’t we just have plastic-free deodorant in plastic-free packaging at a price that’s fair?
cardboard for the win.
Here’s a fact to make you sweat… over 3.2 BILLION single-use plastic deodorant packs get thrown out every year. Most never get recycled because our waste systems are not working.
So the smol revolution decided to get personal because the big brands seemed content to just carry on with business as usual.
smol anti-perspirant deodorant comes in a clever planet-friendlier cardboard case, so there’s no plastic. Just push the stick upwards and use your deo as usual.
Your packaging is going to last as long as your deodorant… not for hundreds of years beyond. So love it for as long as it’s with you because there’s no need for expensive refill systems and it can go in your cardboard recycling with your kerbside collection. We rest our case ;).
protect your pits.
smol’s new deodorant is tested to provide continuous and effective anti-perspirant 24 hour protection AS WELL AS odour control for your armpits, with a cotton-fresh scent to keep you smelling great.
Remember, a deodorant is simply going to try and mask odours that bacteria create once they are feeding on your sweat. Our anti-perspirant is going to stop the sweat from appearing in the first place so there’s nothing for the bacteria to feed on! And if there’s no sweat, there’s no wetness either… unfortunately that’s not so for a simple deo.
We’ve worked hard to formulate an anti-perspirant deodorant that gives you all the protection of the big brands but we use only the ingredients that are necessary for a simple and effective deodorant that works. No more gloopy gels or rolls-ons and no more flakey white sprays. Our slick stick glides on under your arms and does the job to perfection. PLUS it’s dermatologically tested for sensitive skin.

only tested on teenagers.
Just like all smol products, our anti-perspirant is cruelty-free and Leaping Bunny certified PLUS it’s vegan.
Good to know when you realise that most of the health & beauty brands in our bathrooms are owned by a few giant corporations and most of them STILL either engage in animal testing OR fund animal testing in some capacity. The most common example is testing on animals where the law requires it in certain countries. The use of animal derived ingredients is also common.
Our Leaping Bunny is the global gold standard in cruelty-free accreditation and you’d be amazed by how many bathroom products wouldn’t make the grade.
never run out of deodorant again.
And because you shouldn’t have to sweat the smol stuff our clever delivery system ensures you’ll never run out. Your ongoing packs of 3 anti-perspirants will arrive exactly when YOU need them for just £12 with FREE delivery. And just like all our smol plans, you can cancel or pause at any time and adjust your delivery frequencies as often as you like.
Hands in the air for a revolution!!